Chapter 14- Biomolecules 


Before taking the test, students should review all of the chapters since it gives them greater confidence in the themes and concepts. Notesbooster offers great chemistry studying materials for students in many levels, including Class 11 and Class 12. Carbohydrates, ATP molecules, lipids, nucleic acids, proteins, and many more biomolecules are just a few examples. Carbohydrates are divided into the following categories based on their hydrolysis behavior.

  • Monosaccharides - Examples are glucose, ribose

  • Oligosaccharides - Examples are maltose, sucrose

  • Polysaccharides - Examples are starch, glycogen

On the presence of functional group basis and the carbon atoms count, the monosaccharides can be classified as:

  • Aldose - When a monosaccharide has an aldehyde group, it is called Aldose

  • Ketose - When a monosaccharide has a keto group, it is called a Ketose

To revise other various topics of biomolecules like the characteristics of biomolecules (including proteins, carbohydrates, hormones, nucleic acids), it is done on the classification based on their structure, differences between RNA and DNA, and more.

Revision Notes for Chapter 14 - Biomolecules in Chemistry Class 12:

This complete page covers biomolecules class 12 revision notes in detail. We are all aware that a biological system is capable of self-sustaining and reproduction. Furthermore, a living system consists of both living and non-living atoms. Furthermore, biochemistry is concerned with the chemical processes that occur within a biological organism. Most importantly, living creatures are made up of a variety of complicated macromolecules. Lipids, nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and other relevant biomolecules are also included.

Carbohydrates and proteins are two essential components of our diet. These biomolecules also interact with one another and operate according to the molecular logic of life processes. Vitamins and mineral salts, on the other hand, play an important part in a variety of vital activities in organisms. As a result, the biomolecules class 12 revision notes provide you with all of the knowledge you want.

Sub-Topic Covered Under Biomolecules:

Let's look at the sub-topics that make up the Biomolecules subject--
  • Carbohydrates - This refers to sugars, fibres, and starches which exist in different kinds of grains, fruits, vegetables, and milk products

  • Monosaccharides - It refers to the simple sugar, and it happens undoubtedly to be the simplest form of sugar

  • Disaccharides - The term disaccharide points to a sugar whose formation takes place when the joining of two monosaccharides takes place by the glycosidic linkage

  • Polysaccharides - This happens to be a particular type of carbohydrate, whose molecules comprised to be the number of sugar molecules

  • Structure of Proteins - The students can be able to learn about the structure of proteins in detail here

  • Amino Acids - These refer to the organic compounds, whereas their combination indeed results in the formation of proteins

  • Enzymes - These molecules happen to be the biological molecules that enhance up the rate of all chemical reactions which occurs inside the cells

  • Vitamins - Vitamins means the organic compounds which are vital in small quantities for the sustenance of life

  • Nucleic Acids - These refer to either biopolymers or small biomolecules whose presence is crucial to all the forms of life

  • Structure of Nucleic Acids - Here, the students will study the structure of nucleic acids in detail under this sub-unit


Importance of Biomolecules in Competitive Exams:

Biomolecules and polymers are crucial chapters in the JEE Main Chemistry syllabus. In general, 1 question from each chapter, Biomolecules and Polymers, is asked, for a total of 8 marks. As a result, they have a weightage of around 2-3% in JEE Main, and these chapters cannot be skipped. As a result, the majority of the questions will be on Biomolecules and Polymers, and scoring will be very simple.

About Polymerization, Different Types of Polymers, Lipids, Proteins, and Carbohydrates are a few of the topics studied under Biomolecules. You can cover the JEE Main Chemistry Syllabus by reading to the study or revision notes for biomolecules and polymers.

Tricks to Solve the Questions from Biomolecules and Polymers

  • As these questions are mostly theory-based, it is highly recommended you draw all the diagrams and list the equations on paper of every concept on multiple times

  • Attempt the questions from within a specific text and those after going through the chapters

  • Primarily focus on preparing from NCERT books. This is because most of the questions will be asked in JEE Main Chemistry belongs to these

  • While attempting the MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), take a moment to mentally visualize the concepts, equations, and diagrams that you have learnt pertaining to a specific question. Then, go for the correct answer

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Because, Notes Booster is a more significant online platform that provides all types of information including the revision notes, question papers of previous years, and many more. You can find the direct documents in the PDF format such as class 12 chemistry chapter 14 revision notes, revision notes class 12 chapter 14, revision notes class 12 chemistry chapter 14, class 12 notes biomolecules and more. These are some examples of the keywords where you can find many like these and can download them on the official website of Notes Booster .

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